NREI 112: Series Advanced Mediation and Diversion Court Certification
Note: This certification consists of three parts. Please register for all three.
PART 1: NREI 110 Legal Referrals and Limited Representation
Course Description
This course is designed to instruct the participant on the limits and extent of the role of the counselor, attorney(s), conciliators, and others involved in the County Residential Mortgage Diversion Program; how to identify and refer legal matters as they arise; and to explain the concept and effect of limited representation when used in foreclosure-related matters.
Learning Objectives:
Increase knowledge of:
· The limits and boundaries of the roles of relevant parties in County Residential Mortgage Diversion Programs
· How to identify legal impediments
· When and how to make a legal referral
· Boundaries and limits of communications and sharing information in client-privileged relationships
· The concept of limited representation
· Communicating the boundaries of limited representation to the consumer
The participant will learn:
* To understand the roles of relevant parties to real-estate or mortgage-related matters
* To understand the participant’s obligations and limitations with respect to the consumer
* How to identify questionable practices, legal impediments, and issues where legal advice is needed
* To understand the limits of communication and collaboration within the confines of a privileged relationship
* How to work among various parties , particularly in the context of their various roles
* To understand the concept of limited representation
* How to communicate the concept of limited representation to the consumer
PART 2: NREI 111A Negotiation Strategies with the Consumer
Course Description
This course is designed to provide comprehensive instruction on negotiating with the consumer in understanding current realities, compromise, and willingness to sacrifice in preparation for Servicer negotiation of loss mitigation options. This instruction will be provided to counselors practicing in the PHFA network.
The first segment (Orientation) provides an overview of the extent of the mortgage delinquency problem in the County and the provisions, processes and procedures of the County Residential Mortgage Diversion Program. Discussion will include the intention of the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) Rule and what it means to “take meaningful actions to overcome historic patterns of segregation, promote fair housing choice, and foster inclusive communities that are free from discrimination”.
The second segment (Negotiation Strategies with the Consumer) provides an understanding of consumer behaviors and barriers that limit active participation in loss mitigation negotiations and transactions; and presents techniques designed to overcome those barriers that inhibit forward movement of the transaction.
Learning Objectives:
Increase knowledge of:
* The Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) Rule
* How and to whom the AFFH Rule applies
* How to comply with the provisions under the AFFH Rule
* The history and purpose of the County Residential Mortgage Diversion Program
* The goal of the County Diversion Training and Orientation Project
* Program processes and procedures
* Negotiation strategies with the consumer
The participant will learn to:
* To understand the scope and application of the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) Rule
* To understand the duty to comply with the Rule
* To understand how to identify local barriers to fair housing choice
* To understand how to develop strategies that meet the requirements under the AFFH Rule
* To understand the AFH Assessment Tool and how to measure the effectiveness of developed strategies
* Understand how to assist consumers eligible to participate in the County Residential Mortgage Diversion Program
* Understand how to report and track activity while participating in the program
* Understand consumer behaviors that limit participation
* Understand how to influence consumer behavior in preparation of negotiation
* Understand and apply relevant negotiation styles and methods designed to increase consumer participation
Part 3: NREI 111B Master Negotiation and Practicum
Conduct (National Real Estate Training Institute) an 8-hour training session on “Master Negotiation with Accompanying Practicum” (providing comprehensive instruction and hands-on practical application of proven negotiation and workout package development strategies aimed at foreclosure avoidance; and particularly in the context of court-imposed deadlines). This instruction and training in back office support strategies and will walk students through actual current cases, both instructor-provided and student-provided cases to counselors practicing in the PHFA network.
Course Description
This course is designed to provide comprehensive instruction and hands-on practical application of proven negotiation and workout package development strategies aimed at foreclosure avoidance; and particularly in the context of court-imposed deadlines. The training in back office support strategies will walk participants through actual current cases, both instructor and participant-provided.
Learning Objectives:
* Increase the participant’s ability to quickly assess the root cause of the consumer’s problem
* Increase the participant’s ability to creatively utilize and apply both traditional and non-traditional approaches that result in reasonable and sustainable terms for the consumer
* Increase the participant’s ability to negotiate effectively in back office communications
* Increase the participant’s ability to obtain quicker, and sometimes, on-the-spot Servicer responses
* Increase the participant’s ability to obtain positive outcomes
This course is designed to increase the participant’s knowledge of:
* The use and application of both traditional and non-traditional foreclosure aversion strategies; particularly in the context of court imposed limitations
* The key elements of assessment in workout package development
* The practical application of proven negotiation strategies with the Servicer