see course NREI 513 – Refresher/HUD Exam Preparation
Topics Covered: Housing Affordability; Mortgage Delinquency Fundamentals; Civil Rights/Fair Housing; Fair Housing Complaints; and Tenancy And Eviction. Method: Live/Virtual...
Free -
see course
NREI 512: HUD Exam Prep Course
This course is designed to provide practitioners with master test-taking tools and strategies to give you the competitive advantage that...
$1500 -
see course NREI 500: Comprehensive Housing Counseling Certification (7…
This course is designed to empower participants with a comprehensive knowledge of housing-related principles and practices. Participants will learn the...
$6000 -
see course NREI 410 Master Negotiation
Purpose: The purpose is to teach the participant how to effectively negotiate with the client, mortgage servicer; and plaintiff’s attorney....
Free -
see course NREI 409 Fair Housing Violations and Complaints
Purpose: The purpose is to teach the participant how complaints of discrimination are filed and managed; who to, and where...
Free -
see course NREI 408 Fair Housing History & Overview
Purpose: The purpose is to teach the participant the history of civil rights and fair housing laws and how they...
Free -
see course NREI 407 Maintaining Tenancy & Avoiding Eviction
Purpose: The purpose is to teach the participant the concept of tenancy; rental delinquency; tenant and landlord negotiation; and avoidance...
Free -
see course NREI 406 Civil Dockets & Philadox
Purpose: The purpose is to teach the participant how to access the civil docket; how to read and interpret the...
Free -
see course NREI 405 – Mortgage Delinquency Basics
Purpose: The purpose is to teach the participant how to identify the difference between mortgage delinquency and default ; teach...
Free -
see course NREI 404 Creating/Updating an Action Plan, Time…
Purpose: The purpose is to teach the participant how to create and update an action plan; to learn how to...
Free -
see course NREI 403 – Credit Reports and Analysis
Purpose: The purpose is to teach the participant about the history and purpose of credit and its various uses; and...
Free -
see course NREI 402 – Affordability/Analysis & Budgeting (Everything…
Purpose: To understand the concepts of budget, Objective: Participant should be able to perform the complete process of initial intake....
Free -
see course NREI 401 – Authorizations/Verification, Intake Procedures, &…
Purpose: To understand the purpose and protocols of proper verification, intake, document collection, and review Objective: Participant should be able...
Free -
see course NREI 308: Comparative Analysis of Renting vs.…
This course is designed for practicing housing counselors who want to refresh their knowledge and skills in assisting consumers to...
$150 -
see course NREI 307: Tenants Rights, Responsibilities, Protections, and…
This course is designed refresh the level of knowledge of practicing housing counselors who advise consumers about tenancy matters.
$300 -
see course NREI 207: Mastering the Elements of FHA…
Because HUD requires that Housing Counselors be knowledgeable of and explain HUD’s FHA insured loan products to consumers, NREI is...
$300 -
see course NREI 201 Coaching for Maximum Results
This coaching module will help both coaches and participants/clients improve their relationship and the results that they seek. Participants will...
$150 -
see course NREI 125: MERS Case Reversals and What…
A review of what has worked (and not) in foreclosure defense litigation and a discussion of the MERS reversals. This...
$300 -
see course NREI 124: Financial Counseling/Coaching Certification
This course is designed to refresh the level of knowledge of financial management and capability of counseling and coaching practitioners...
$300 -
see course NREI 123: Housing Affordability
This course is designed for practicing housing counselors who want to refresh their knowledge and skills in assisting consumers to...
$300 -
see course NREI 122: Protecting Your Reputation in Pre-Purchase…
Learn how to cross your T's, dot your I's, and document your true opinion of client readiness in the delivery...
$300 -
see course NREI 120: Dodd-Frank Act and Its Implications
Learn to understand elements of the Dodd-Fran Act and it implications for housing counselors and agencies.
$150 -
see course NREI 119: Americans with Disabilities Act
This course is designed to provide housing counseling practitioners with a working knowledge of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA),...
$150 -
see course NREI 118: Privacy and Confidentiality and HPPA
This two-day course will provide training for staff of Housing Counseling Agencies that is designed to inform participants of the...
$600 -
see course NREI 117: Civil Rights, Fair Housing, and Fair…
One of HUD’s priorities, housing counseling practitioners are required to understand prohibitions against discrimination and to affirmatively further Fair Housing....
$600 -
see course NREI 116: Equity Considerations Before and After…
This course will discuss the role of equity before and after foreclosure and the role that courts of equity can...
$300 -
see course NREI 115: HUD Housing Counseling Practice Requirements…
This course provides a review of HUD's housing counseling practice requirements, as well as other constructive requirements not outlined in...
$1500 -
see course NREI 113: Reverse Mortgages
Even those counselors who do not provide reverse mortgage counseling should have an encyclopedic understanding of reverse mortgages and how...
$300 -
see course NREI 112: Series Advanced Mediation and Diversion…
This certification consists of three parts: NREI 110 Legal Referrals and Limited Representation; NREI 111A Negotiation Strategies with the Consumer;...
$300 -
see course NREI 111B: Master Negotiation and Practicum
Conduct (National Real Estate Training Institute) an 8-hour training session on “Master Negotiation with Accompanying Practicum” (providing comprehensive instruction and...
$300 -
see course NREI 111A: Negotiation Strategies with the Consumer
NREI 111A Negotiation Strategies with the Consumer Course Description This course is designed to provide comprehensive instruction on negotiating with...
$150 -
see course NREI 110 Legal Referrals and Limited Representation
This certification consists of three parts: NREI 110 Legal Referrals and Limited Representation; NREI 111A Negotiation Strategies with the Consumer;...
$150 -
see course
NREI 106: Foreclosure Intervention Specialist Certification Course
This course provides comprehensive instruction in the use and application of loss mitigation and other foreclosure aversion/relief strategies and includes...
$1500 -
see course NREI 089: Anti-Predatory Lending
(For attorneys) While a prerequisite course is not required, this course presumes the participant has a basic level of understanding...